Friday, October 15, 2010

David Bowie -The Most Epic Man Alive

It's been common knowledge for quite some time now, oh, I don't know, the last three or four decades, that David Bowie is one bizarre and creepy dude. The man has always known how to stay ahead of the times. A pioneer in the music of punk, rock and the weird. He produced countless of hits that we all still enjoy today, and has defined what it is to be Epic. I mean really, what was up with that freaky eyeball, man? So, when it comes to David Bowie, it's no surprise that the words legendary and awesomeness come to mind. After all, he is "thee" Goblin King. And as of today, the man still doesn't disappoint. He has proven once again to be "The Most Epic Man Alive".

What's that, you say? Oh, just David Bowie and some MOTHERFUCKING WOLVES.

via: rillawafers


  1. LOL, a friend hit him in the eye when he was like 14 and that's why his eye is like that. I do agree, he IS epic. He's not creepy, though, he's adorable! :-D

  2. not bad for a men in his age. But the photos look to me a bit too much photoshoped.
